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Matched Betting Earnings - December 2017 - January 2018

£573.83 profit in less than 6 weeks. December 2017 - £221.92 in 8 days. I started matched betting on 20 December, starting with a £500.00 float and even with taking a few days off over the Christmas period, made a nice profit. I started slowly, doing 3-5 bets a day using the Sportsbook Signup Offers from the Profit Accumulator website.  I discovered that I am actually quite risk averse, when I had always thought I was a risk taker (it actually took me about 2 weeks of reading blogs and forums and another week as a Profit Accumulator member before I took the plunge and placed my first bet).  Each bet in these first few days took what felt like an age to complete, with me checking and rechecking the numbers before hitting that 'Place Bet' button.  I was so nervous, not wanting to make a misstep, but seeing the float balance slowly increase day on day was so gratifying.  This may actually work after all. January 2018 - £351.91 I have completed approx. 2/3rds of the signu
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OK, so here goes

First for a confession or two (or three). I have never written a blog post before.  I have toyed with the idea, but honestly I have never been that comfortable expressing my innermost thoughts and anyway, is anyone really interested? I not that into sports and can't remember ever betting before embarking on this Matched Betting journey. I'm not that organised and I am quickly learning that the key to success in this game is organisation (more about this later). So why have I decided to jump on the Matched Betting band wagon, asked no-one.  Well, after spending all my savings on holidays last year (there were 5 of them... it was a big year... I turned 40 so I had to celebrate in style, right?..... some of them were weekend city breaks so don't really count) and realising I was about to be made redundant for the third time and will have some time on my hands, I decided that I needed to a. keep busy and b. find a way to bring some money in whilst I have no inco